Slayer's Heart Review

Slayer's Heart by Marcelle Cooper is officially one of the best books that I've ever had the pleasure of reading, hands down.

TL:DR at the very end, enjoy this spoiler-free review!

The prologue is only an minor introduction, but it's a quick depiction of the action to be expected right away. I was definitely hooked right from the beginning, and had high expectations that were more than met.
This book starts out just a little slow- there's a lot of background to cover, and the book doesn't just throw tons of boring details at the reader. Over the course of time, everything is explained on a "need to know" basis, and there are very few points in the book where a reader can be confused about what's going on.
Something that really stood out to me was the way the author would describe items and people in the book. Places were very fleshed out, and landmarks from steams to trees are well-noted. People, however, were very interestingly depicted. In the book, there's very little explanation of how the main character looks- his eye color, age, profession, and capabilities are obvious and made known to the reader. However not much more slips through the cracks, leaving the reader to make assumptions about the character's look. This is not a flaw, but rather a different style of writing- as the characters are less defined by the way they look, but rather what they're capable of. Characters are referred to as beautiful/handsome at points, but it's up to you to paint a picture of exactly HOW the characters look to the very detail. In a way, it's liberating, as the person you believe is the most beautiful person in the world may look very different from someone else's idea of the most beautiful person in the world.

Another thing that stands out to me is the combat- every single fighter has a different sort of fighting style and it's often reflected on. Combat is an essential part of the story as it is an adventure-themed book.Swordplay, the spells used, the pain the characters feel, stumbling, bone-cracking, wall-smashing, jammed swords in trees, punches, everything is accounted for. Combat is suspenseful and fresh each time, and some characters are more predictable than others (Some will prefer to take damage and ignore it to get a hit in, rather than parry/dodge and wait for a better opening). It was easily one of the most enjoyable pieces of the novel and each encounter kept me on my haunches waiting, just waiting for the next fight, the next confrontation.

The characters are often very likable and personable. Their emotions and actions are realistic and the characters each have their own (reasonable) flaws. The jealousy, envy, pain, and willpower are not foreign to us and their reasoning for the way they feel are understandable. Very occasionally a reader may find themselves struggling to figure who to root for, or whether a character is doing right or wrong, as a book like this isn't as clear cut as others are- just another feature of this book.

I found it very enticing to read from beginning to end. I've stayed up until early hours in the morning on a school night just to get a little further in the book. The culture of the people, the spells, the combat, everything is just so enthralling and you'll find yourself wishing for so much more when it ends. The book is a roller coaster of emotions as tragedy, fortune, and choice battle for the spotlight.

If you can get it while it's only being sold for a dollar, by all means grab it as soon as possible. Even better, get the paperback so you have a physical copy to show your friends what an awesome book you're reading. This book has earned every single star in this rating and then some; I strongly encourage readers to grab this book. If you're one of those people who love to read but can't find a good book to read, buy this ASAP!

TL:DR Characters are awesome, fighting is awesome, journey is enthralling, incredible depth of personalities, just buy it already!
